Where oh where does the time fly??!?
I have not been able to blog in several weeks...and I will tell you why.
My sweet little Payge experienced ear infection #5 and failed her hearing test, so we were referred to an ENT and had tubes put in last Friday. She had a rocky few days, but now is feeling much better. I can't believe the world of difference that it has already made.
Another time period has flown by quickly here at Hickory Hills....basketball season. This season is more important to us than many holidays and often birthdays. Dad's team was beat out last week and DJ's team is still battling thru the losers bracket into Area. This season has been great for the babies. Dad experienced win #500 on Valentine's Day this year and we were all there to experience it! What a huge milestone for an amazing man! Even though DJ's games occur after P2's bedtime, we have made it to a few games to support their silly uncle. Noting that the State Tournament is just a little over a week away, this season sure has flown by.
The babies are "cruising" and attempting to walk on their own. Payge took 3 steps last night before freaking out and falling down! Parker loves to hold your hand and walk around the living room. He recently had a check up at OU Medical with his surgeon, and got new braces. They were also concerned with a sitting position he does, so we went back to Summit Therapy, where he passed with flying colors.
This past weekend, I had a breakdown in Walgreen's while I was doing their First Birthday Invitations. I can't believe that in 5 weeks, my sweet babies will be 1 year old!
Where has the time gone??
Why do the good times seem to fly by??
It seems like only yesterday that I was looking out the back window, leaving the hospital, without my sweet babies. It seems like only last week that we finally made it HOME as a family. It seems like just the other day that we did the "right thing" for our family and moved back here. I know for a fact that it was just yesterday that they could hold their own bottle.....and now they are almost 1??!!?
I can't believe that it has been almost a year since I went in to labor, just 8 weeks early, and Miranda could have sworn I was having Braxton Hicks and insisted on taking me to Red Devil for Ice Cream! There is no way that we have already celebrated their First Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Holy Cow! How did we already survive two trips to Florida, 2 surgeries, a skull fracture and several colds, coughs and ear infections???
Where did the time go?
Time flies.
Take each and every moment for what its worth and do not waste one second. Nothing is guarenteed or granted to you. God did not make any promises about time to you. Enjoy it. Live it. Love it.
Thank you God for making each and every minute of this past year, and the journey beforehand "enjoyable." Thank you family and friends for holding our hands, helping our hearts and hearing our prayers!
Time flies.....soak every minute of it up. Hang on for the ride. Take a deep breath.
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