Thursday, September 8, 2011

Never grow up...

Wow. So much has gone on since I blogged last. Parker has gone from casts to Dobbs braces. Yes, they suck. They have been such a huge transition for us and the little guy. He does not like them at all. So far he has had major blisters, blood blisters and discoloring in his legs. When he screams and kicks while I put them on, I feel like the worst mom in the world. I literally have to walk away when I am done to gather myself so I don't break down and just pull the stinkers off his feet and throw them in the trash!! My mom keeps telling me that it is helping him in the long run, but the day to day is so hard when he screams in pain.

We have also experienced our first "colds" with both babies, and they are starting to cut teeth so life is eventful here at Hickory Hills.

Some upsides, we have tried oatmeal and carrots...they hated the carrots but enjoyed the oatmeal. They are attempting to hold their own bottle, and do so, for a very short time. We have transitioned from our 0-3 and 3 month clothes to our 3-6 and 6 month clothes. I never thought my premiee babies would be weighing 15.2 and 14.9 lbs respectedly. We have come such a long way from 4.1lbs and 4.12lbs .

Every night the babies listen to a CD that their TT made them, and the very last song is "Never grow up" by Taylor Swift. I used this song on my Pre K video last year, and now as I listen to it night after night, the words really begin to hit me. Life passes us by so quickly. Our snuggle bugs grow up and no longer want to be rocked to sleep, Our premiee outfits are soon stored in boxes in the garage, size 2 diapers become a little tighter and suddenly "we grow up."

I don't wish for my babies to grow up. I look forward to the milestones and memories that they will soon have and I have goals for them to one day accomplish, but for now, I will enjoy the millions of dirty diapers, the spit up, the bath times, the late nights and early mornings, for now, I will wish them to not grow up, and to keep enjoy the quiet moments that they are curled up on my chest, without a care in the world....

I love you babies and "I won't let nobody hurt you...just try to never grow up"

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean! It goes way more quickly then it did when I was waiting on my sweet baby!!
