Sunday, May 15, 2011

True Colors

1Peter 4:80 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins"

During this journey with the babies, a lot of things have opened our eyes, but what we are most thankful for is true friendships. People who have shown us their true colors and gone above and beyond the call of friendship. Sometime you can call someone a "friend" but when a bump in the road occurs, they are too busy for you to call upon.

"A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference."-Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh

As you know, we are struggling to get Parker home right now. He is having several Brady episodes still, and now he is starting to Desat with them (where his oxygen level drops). After failing 2 car seat tests, we were devestated. We heard many words of encouragment, as well as many peoples opinons. Yes, we know "he is where he is supposed to be" but would you want to hear that if you son has been in the intensive care unit for 6 weeks?? Would you wanna hear "oh well, he's not ready?" No. I don't believe you would. We know he's not ready. But that doesn't mean as parents that we are not ready to take him home and begin our life, together, as a family.

True Colors. True Friends. They are the ones that text you a sad face when Parker doesn't pass his test. They are the ones that make sure your dogs are taken care of and your mail is placed on the kitchen table. They are the ones that call you in tears because they know you are struggling with the devil. True friends take care of your yard just because they know you wouldn't want it to look like that. True friends are the ones that pick up your formula for you-even when they have their own stuff to do. They are the ones that email you, text you or call you just to say that they are praying for you. They are the ones that leave homemade "Happy Mother's Day" cards on your front door. True friends buy you gifts, make you things, and pick up your house and expect NOTHING--yes I said NOTHING in return...even when you try to offer to pay them.

Well, Chris and I are truly blessed with TRUE FRIENDS who truly have shown their TRUE COLORS to us during this rocky roller coaster ride. When the furthest thing on my mind needs to be done, someone does it. When we are in a bind financially, we are helped. When I am frustrated to the point of no return, they call. Not everyone you call a "friend" can really live up to that name. Calling someone a "friend" is like telling someone you "love" them. It can not be used lightly.

Well, "FRIENDS", thank you. Thank you more than I can write, text, tell you. Thank you for praying. Thank you for loving. Thank you for doing. I am not sure we could have made it this far without all your love and support. As a mother, the hardest thing I have had to done is leave one child behind to care for another. And my "friends" have been there to help me get through that, to help me stay true to my faith.

Parker is not ready to go home yet, and we know that it is all in God's timing, but as humans we forget that our timeline and God's timeline RARELY match up. We appreciate the prayers, gifts and services that you have done for us. We love you...and God truly has blessed us.

God thank you for placing us in a community that has greeted us with open arms and wonderful people with "true colors." Thank you God for giving us the faith we need to make it through this time. Yes God, we know that Parker is not ready to go home, even though we are beyond ready, but God we just ask you place your hands on our little boy and help him heal and grow so that in YOUR time God we can go HOME!!

"A friend is one who strenghtens you with prayers, blesses you with love and encourages you with hope."


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